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MCQ: Biological classification

Explore a series of multiple-choice questions to challenge your understanding of how living organisms are grouped and categorized in the natural world. Article: biological classification-I, biological classification-II 1. Who is credited with the first attempt at a scientific basis of classification? A) Charles Darwin B) Aristotle C) Linnaeus D) R.H. Whittaker 2. According to Aristotle’s […]

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1. What percentage of the extracellular fluid does blood constitute in our bodies?a) 15-20%b) 30-35%c) 50-55%d) 70-75% 2. Which component of blood is responsible for maintaining the body’s osmotic balance?a) Red blood cellsb) White blood cellsc) Plateletsd) Plasma 3. Which substance acts as a vital buffer to maintain the pH stability of blood?a) Glucoseb) Sodium

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